A new survey shows that Canadians feel there is a lack of support when it comes to grieving.
Almost four thousand people took part the survey by the Canadian Grief Alliance.
Spokesperson Paul Adams says there are a couple things that stand out for him.
“The first one was about half the people who responded to our survey said that their grief was not supported or not well supported, that they didn’t feel adequately supported by those around them,” Adams said in a recent interview.
“It’s a gap between what people who are grieving say they need from others, and what others are inclined to give them. 83 percent of our respondents said they wanted to be asked about their loss…asked about their grief. They wanted people to draw them out, so to speak.”
Adams points out that grief is usually associated with the death of a loved one, but it can also be grief from the of death of a pet, divorce, job loss, or a downturn in financial fortunes.
Adams adds they were surprised by the level of the response they received.
“We were hoping we might get a thousand respondents. We got nearly four thousand, so I think that indicates that there are a lot of people out there who have experiences they want to share.”
Adams says the situation seems to have gotten worse since the start of the pandemic.
For more information on the survey you can go to: www.canadiangriefalliance.ca and follow their links to the study.