Well if this isn’t a true sign of seasons finally changing….I don’t know what is.
As I exited the house yesterday and saw the poor soul laying in the front garden by the house I couldn’t help but yell…….”Man down! Man down!!” but in a celebratory tone!
My wife heard my shouts of excitement through an open window that was welcoming the warmer air of the season and came running out of the house in a bit of a panic but ready to help.
She then saw what I was talking about. The final ‘stick’em in the ground’ Christmas ornament was finally free from the frozen ground and could be put away! But before that could happen…..a moment a silence. Then she went back in the house while shaking her head.
May 3rd, 2022. About time.
To add to the celebration, I promptly went in to the garage, took out the gardening ‘green snake’ and attached it to the house and yelled ‘Hose on!! Hose on!!’ The wife didn’t coming running out this time but the neighbor looked over and was probably considering calling a ‘doctor’. That’s ok. It was my moment of hope. I hope that my hope didn’t jinx Mother Nature’s plan.
You ready to get your ‘Summer on!?!’ What steps have you already taken? Let me know here: