“Hey! What did you do this weekend?”
A question often posed by others upon the return to work and the resumption of school after some time off.
When I’m asked that question, for that fleeting second, I want to embelish my life stories, to present the ‘wow factor’ to others. And then I think….why? What for? Am I not like everyone else?
I remember during my radio college days and even several decades later on the air being told to exaggerate my stories. Add some wow factor because radio personalities all lead incredible exciting lives!! Right? Well…..I’m still waiting for my exciting part.
Keep it real. Relate. Isn’t that how we make real friends in real life?
So here are details of my weekend;
Finished work early Friday afternoon. Went home. Had lunch and then a nap. (I ONLY had a nap because I work the early morning shift remember? It’s not because I’m old. Riiiiight.) Had supper with the family, washed the dishes and then watched some TV until my eyes were closing at about 11pm. Or maybe the 11pm was when they closed for the last time that day and the first time in the evening was 8pm? I forget.
Saturday morning I woke up. I forget what time. Wasn’t early. Before I got up I counted the dots on the ceiling…..again. Every time I count them I get a different number – so that’s exciting! Had breakfast. Shovelled some snow. Oh wait! I got dressed before going outside to shovel. Neighbors would have called the police (again) if I didn’t get dressed first before exiting the house. Shovelled. That was exciting. Chatted with a few of the neighbors about a very interesting topic; snow. Took the truck to get some gas. Chatted with the kiosk attendant about the lack of employees. Told them I used to be a ‘gas jockey’ and could probably help out on weekends. The ‘Help Wanted’ sign suddenly disappeared and was replace with a ‘Help!!’ sign. I paid for the gas and left….quickly. Not much else happened that day.
Sunday…..repeat Saturday – minus getting gas for the truck.
And that’s it in a nutshell. Nothing flashy. Nothing overly exciting. Next weekend though will be different! I’m planning on getting gas for my wife’s vehicle instead of mine AND I plan on talking with different neighbors (if they’ll talk with me) AND shovelling some different snow!! Exciting stuff I know!
It was hard not to exaggerate my weekend stories because as I read this over again…..it sounds pretty boring – but it’s real.
Next weekend will be different though! I have booked a nude skydiving adventure over part of Sunset Country for Saturday. Good thing it’s in the evening when it’s dark but I still encourage you not to look up that evening even though I guarentee that the moon will be extra bright that night. Maybe I’m exaggerating. Maybe I’m not.
So anyone want a friend with a ‘real’ life?