Provincial Police across Northwestern Ontario stepped up enforcement this year during the Festive RIDE campaign.
The number of RIDE events was 1,516 between November 18 to January 2.
That’s up from 727 in 2020.
OPP say 76 people were charged with impaired, driving over the limit or refusal to take a test.
That’s an increase from 46 during the previous campaign.
Police issued five warning range suspensions.
Fourteen warnings were issued in 2020.
In Dryden and Ignace alone, officers conducted 107 RIDE programs and two people were charged with impaired driving.
Across Ontario, police charged 655 individuals with impaired..
A total of 8,370 RIDE events were held over a 46-day period.
Officers issued 236 warn range suspensions to drivers whose roadside breath test registered a Blood Alcohol Concentration of between .05 and .08.
Police received 3,147 calls from individuals reporting suspected impaired drivers.