The federal Green Party is calling out the Liberals’ decision to use the COVAX vaccine-sharing program meant for poorer countries.
Canada has donated to the international program, but is also accepting almost 1.9-million doses from it.
Green Leader Annamie Paul says it isn’t the right thing to do.
“We know that for many poor countries, this is the only source of vaccines, the only supply of vaccines available to them. And despite this, Canada continues to insist that it will take its 1.9-million doses, that yes, we are entitled to, but of course we should not be taking,” she says.
Paul points out the World Health Organization says actions like Canada’s are compromising the COVAX vaccine supply for other nations.
She adds that will come back to hurt Canada, along with countries that rely on the sharing program.
If we do not bring the pandemic under control globally, then people in Canada will not be safe,” Paul claims.
In February, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau defended the decision by pointing out the country has the legal right to access COVAX.