I thought about this overnight. I thought about the fact that if I published something about this that I could possibly be in more trouble with her than I already am. And then I thought….is that possible? Not likely. So what the heck….here it is!
Last night as I finished cleaning up the kitchen area I pulled the sink plug, drained the water, put the plug to the side, scrubbed and rinsed the sinks and used the hand soap to scrub the fingers. Put the hand soap back. Done!
Not ten seconds later ‘the better half’ comes along while I’m still in the kitchen and moves the sink plug and the hand soap to their ‘proper places’. What?!? What was wrong with where I left them?
I restaged the scene of the ‘crime’ and took the two pictures for evidence and for you to see here. The one on the left is how I left the area. The picture on the right shows how the scene was ‘adjusted’.
What the!?! Why?
That got me doing more thinking about the other things that I see happening. The dishes that I do put in the dishwasher reorganized later by ‘someone else’ so that there’s ‘more room for other dishes to be put in.’ The clean dishes that I put away in the cupboard….some of them moved a little later to the ‘correct spot’.
This bothers me….a little bit. My work – undermined.
Should I let this bother me? What do you think?
Have I failed? I have a sinking feeling that I have. 😉