There are renewed efforts to build a crematorium on the property of the Dryden Community Funeral Home on 249 Grand Trunk Avenue.
Council has agreed to proceed with a public meeting on a zoning by-law amendment request.
Staff will be in communication with nearby residents and businesses when a meeting date and platform are confirmed.
The request is similar to the one made in mid-2019 that was withdrawn on October 28 from the business owner amid public concern and opposition.
Staff have reviewed the application and say it is consistent with City policies.
Chief Building Officer Pam Skillen says “The application was thoroughly reviewed by our Municipal planning consultants and on December 23 they notified me that everything was in place and they deemed it complete. The application is identical to that proposed in 2019 but it is completed with updated engineering reports from 2020. Otherwise its purpose is the same.”
A report to Council indicates: “Land use compatibility as it applies to the proposed crematorium is expected to create negligible additional demand for parking on site or for increased traffic flow to Grand Trunk Avenue. In terms of the cremation process itself, the noises and emissions that could occur are regulated under Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks requirements. The attached Environmental report concludes that any emissions occurring under these regulations would not be considered to adversely affect the surrounding environment, which is in accordance with the City’s Official Plan.”