New COVID restrictions go into effect today for the Northwestern Health Unit catchment area.
Our region has been moved to the ‘Yellow-Protect’ level in the province’s framework in responding to COVID-19.
The move to has been made in consolation with the province.
The Health Unit made the announcement Friday, largely due to the spike in COVID-19 cases in the Kenora area.
The Yellow level has stricter measures for local business, fines, targeted enforcement and enhanced education to try to reduce the level of COVID-19 in the region.
Some restrictions include restaurant and bars won’t serve alcohol past 11 pm, a limit of six at a table and taking contact information.
For recreational facilities it means controlling the number of people in a room and the spacing between them.
Masks are mandatory but not while exercising.
Sports teams will also be required to take contact information.
For more information about the new restrictions, see the Government of Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework – Protect page.
Some other restrictions:
• Some businesses now require a safety plan. This must be a written plan that includes things like screening employees, ensuring people maintain at least 2 metres between themselves,
disinfecting surfaces and objects, and supporting hand hygiene. The Government of Ontario has a template to help employers create a safety plan.
• Food establishments and bars must be closed between 12 a.m. and 5 a.m., and no more than six people can sit together.
• Liquor can only be sold or served between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m. and cannot be consumed in establishments between 12 a.m. and 9 a.m.
• Contact information must be collected from all patrons in settings such as restaurants, personal care service settings, meeting spaces, recreation facilities, and bingo halls
• Patrons of sports and recreational facilities must be at least 3 metres apart where there are weights/weight machines and in exercise classes. Programs are limited to 10 people per
room inside and 25 people outside. Preregistration or appointments are required.