Evacuation from the Red Lake area is no longer optional – most residents are now being ordered to leave and special permits will be required to enter the area.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says that due to extreme forest fire activity in the Red Lake area, an Implementation Order is now in effect until further notice.
This order requires the evacuation of all non-essential personnel in the affected area and that restricts access and use of certain roads and Crown lands.
All travel, use and access to the following areas are now restricted:
- All communities within the Municipality of Red Lake, including Starratt-Olsen, Madsen, Red Lake, Balmertown, Cochenour and Mckenzie Island;
- Highway 105 north of the intersection of Highway 105 and Bug River, including all side roads to residential areas and tourist camps;
- Highway 618 from the junction of Highway 105 to and including Starrartt-Olsen as well as the Suffel Lake Road to the Flat Lake culvert;
- and Highway 125 and all municipal roads and access roads off Highway 125 including the Nungesser Road to the intersection of East Bay Road.
No person shall enter those areas and all non-essential personnel in those identified areas must evacuate immediately, unless authorized by a Travel Permit issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
Please visit Ontario.ca/forestfire to view the current restrictions.
For information on how to obtain a Travel Permit please contact the Red Lake District office 807-727-1349.
A NOTAM is in place for all forest fires and restricts air travel within 5 nautical miles of any forest fire. NOTAM information is available through MNRF-Fire at 807-727-2000.