Work on upgrading Van Horne Avenue will begin June 30th.
Dryden Public Works reports they are entering Stage 1 of a $2,797,164 major rebuild.
Initial work will begin on the street from Arthur Street to Victoria Street and delays and closures can be expected.
Upon completion, Van Horne Avenue from Duke Street to Arthur Street will be undergoing construction for the remainder of the project.
That project is expected to begin in early September.
However, Manager of Public Works Services Blake Poole notes work is already happening in the area behind the scenes.
“Crews are currently placing new water main down the back lane between Van Horne and Pitt Avenue. Up between Holland Street and Orvis. It’s about 330-metres of water main.”
Poole adds they are going ahead with a badly need replacement of a 1934 water main that runs near 6-8 homes in the area which if damaged could become a liability issue.