The government is attempting to address a shortage of skilled trades workers in Ontario.
Labour Minister Monte McNaughton says commercials are now airing, for about 8 weeks, promoting the trades.
“On any given day, 200,000 jobs are going unfilled. 13,000 of those jobs are in the construction sector. Added to that, our journey persons are retiring at a rate quicker than we can replace them.”
McNaughton says the trades, including carpentry or plumbing, “often require math, problem solving, and the use of the latest technologies in 3D printing, robotics and more. The trades can offer young workers freedom and independence.”
McNaughton says these qualities are appealing to today’s generation of young people, many of who seek that independence.
He points out there are myths about skills trades that need challenging.
“That they’re for people who aren’t as committed to school. For people who aren’t as academic, and that they’re dead end jobs. We have to challenge the stigma that somehow a career in the trades isn’t a viable first choice.”
McNaughton says there are many skilled trades people earning six figure salaries.