I can hear the groans this morning of the rest of my yet to arrive co-workers. “Really? You’re wearing your ugly Christmas sweater already?!”
Whoa whoa whoa!! Two things to consider. What is to early and is ‘ugly’ a word we should be using in this day and age?
Number one – I waited until after Remembrance Day to bring the sweater out. I really hate it when I see decorations for the holiday on display before we properly honour our veterans on Remembrance Day. Ooooops! Let me back up and replace the word ‘hate’ with ‘don’t like’. Is that better?
Number tw0 – Calling something ‘ugly’ is hateful and shaming. Do you really want this sweater and other sweaters and the people that wear them to have to seek therapy? Please now and in the future when you see one of these beauties call them out and say “Hey! Nice non-conforming traditional sweater!! You look great!” The person wearing it and the sweater itself will thank you…..and so will our medical system.