Dryden continues to be a leader in organ and tissue donations in Ontario.
Latest numbers from the Trillium Gift of Life show 46% of all residents in the community are registered donors
4,512 people have gave their consent and Dryden sits 70th overall in the entire province.
Fort Frances is the top northern municipality and number four in all of Ontario at 55%.
President Ronnie Gavsie says the regional participation rate has always been high and she hopes the rest of the province follow our example.
“We believe it’s the reflection of a very tight knit community were neighbours know exactly what’s happening to their other neighbours. Same with colleagues and friends.”
Provincially, the number of donors increased 27% in the first three months of the year, while the number of transplants were up 31%.
Still, Gavsie says we are “Moving very slowly. And registration of consent is a huge part of the donation transplant program. We need more people to register.”
You can do so by visiting https://beadonor.ca/