At least I think it is.
We all have varied likes and opinions on how things are and how things should be. That can sometimes lead to some ‘heated’ discussion.
Case in point……
A while ago at home I was in charge of cooking a couple of grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. I thought I did a masterful job! She looked at them in the frying pan and said bluntly…..”You burnt them.” I was confused by her reply and said….”No I did not burn them. They are golden brown!” She did not agree. We had a little more back and forth on that day’s top issue but the ‘burning’ question remained. Did I burn them or were they golden brown?
Ultimately it didn’t matter to her a bit later as I had smothered my sandwich in ketchup which led to another discussion about that being gross or not. Yummy for me…..not so much for her.
At least she couldn’t tell me that I burnt the ketchup right?!
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