The Federal Minister of Indigenous Services is congratulating a member of the Onigaming First Nation, near Nestor Falls, for winning the 2022 National First Nations Water Leadership Award.
Patty Hajdu says the work of Brian Indian is critical to ensuring his community has access to safe and clean drinking water.
She adds his dedication, years of expertise and mentorship to younger community members are an inspiration to other water operators across the country.
As one of the only certified water operators in Onigaming, Indian has worked tirelessly to ensure his community’s water remains safe.
He is also using his 17 years of experience to mentor two operators-in-training and organizes “Water Awareness” days to educate local youth by providing tours of the water plant.
Indian says, “My favourite part of the day is in the morning, looking at the data and seeing that everything ran the way it is supposed to and the community’s water is safe and potable to consume.”
A total of $10,000 in bursaries are made available each year in the winner’s name to First Nations individuals interested in pursuing or furthering their career in the water and wastewater industry.