A regional alliance called ‘We the Nuclear Free North’ is speaking out against a proposed underground repository in the Ignace area.
The group is holding information sessions in Ignace Saturday and at the Dyment Hall Monday.
The booth will be up and running in Ignace from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Main Street, just east of the bush plane display and in Melgund Township from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
The purpose of the two events is to provide independent information about the risks of nuclear waste burial and transportation, and to hear from area residents about their concerns, interests and expectations.
The alliance is concerned about transportation risks and impacts for residents east of the site as waste is hauled from reactors in southern Ontario and eastern Canada, and about downstream impacts on the English-Wabigoon and Turtle River-Lake of the Woods watersheds and potential harm for those living west of the site.
Volunteers from across the region will be on hand to discuss environmental and social concerns with the proposed repository.
The Nuclear Waste Management Organization has an information centre established in Ignace with information on Canada’s plan for used nuclear waste.