The City of Dryden has started to work on its 2021 municipal budget.
Staff are projecting a $950,000 surplus at the end of this year.
However, Treasurer Steven Lansdell-Roll stresses you can’t read much into those numbers.
“There are going to be residual impacts to our operations from the pandemic into 2021. Our Rec. Centre is not operating at full capacity due to safety measures that are put in place. Registration numbers are a little bit down for some of our users.”
Lansdell-Roll says it’s very early in the preliminary stages of developing their operating budget, but they are trying to see what they can do on the expense side to off-set some of that lost revenue.
He notes one option is putting surplus funds from 2020 into operating reserves and draw some of that money to mitigate lost revenues.
The City of Dryden is now accepting input on the 2021 budget.
Lansdell-Roll says they aren’t able to host public meetings this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“You can always reach out to members of Council. You can always contact City staff. But we did set-up an email and any concerns that you have or items that members of the public feel are important, and services that are important and need to be maintained, that input is very helpful.”
You can email budgetinput@dryden.ca or Mail:
City of Dryden-Budget Input
30 Van Horne Avenue
Dryden, ON
P8N 2A7
A draft budget is expected to be presented to Council later this month, with approval anticipated in December.