It’s still too early to determine when field work will resume at the Nuclear Waste Management Organization site in the Ignace area.
Joanne Jacyk is the Section Manager of Environmental Assessment and says together with area communities, they will determine the timing.
“One of things that we are really dedicated to is in safety. And while there is a community component and a local component to the data collection, because of that expert lens that the community has indicated is really important as well, we do need to bring people in from outside the community.”
Jacyk says the important thing right now is “really making sure that it is the appropriate decision to bring people into the community that don’t normally reside there. So that’s an uncertainty we’re still just taking day-by-day.”
She notes an Environment Team is preparing for future work by considering physical distancing when collecting samples, deciding on study locations, and contracting consultants.
Jacyk says once sampling begins, the NWMO will share the data and review the design of the baseline monitoring program on an annual basis with the public.