Local organizations, businesses and individuals are being asked to support our veterans and purchase a wreath or make a donation to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Fund.
Chair Nola Hill says half of the proceeds will support the ‘Homes for Heroes’ Foundation, an initiative meant to establish affordable homes for our homeless veterans.
“Each little home that the solider lives in will be named after a fallen Canadian solider. So that kind of gives them an incentive as well to succeed and be able to integrate back into their families and friends lives.”
Hill says there will be peer support and counselling on site.
The first housing facility will be established in Calgary, with the goal to have them spread out across the country.
Hill says they are now accepting wreath orders as well as accepting donations.
Anyone can sponsor a wreath and it will be placed at the Cenotaph at the November 11th service.
For more information, contact the Legion at 223-4033 or Nola Hill at 937-5454.
Additional details can be found at royalcdnlegion63@gmail.com
The deadline for wreath orders is October 15th.
To hear more from Nola Hill, visit the Audio link below.
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